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(Excel) Income, Expense, and Savings Tracker


(Excel) Income, Expense, and Savings Tracker


This flexible income and expense tracker is the perfect tool for helping you keep track of your monthly income and expenses so you can manage your money and get a clear picture of how much inflow you have every month, allowing you to better budget for your expenditures, all while saving toward your goals. It comes complete with setup instructions, pre-filled formulas, and drop-down menus so you can easily access your list of income and expense types. Even better, this tracker can be used to record personal and/or business transactions for up to four participants and comes with a BONUS spreadsheet for tracking savings for an entire year!


Contents: 4 Sheets (Setup/Instructions, Income Tracker, Expense Tracker, and Savings Tracker)

Format: Microsoft Excel

©2021 by Building With Bean – BuildingWithBean.com

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